Get the information you need to adjust and maintain the lights on your trailer. Search below for frequently asked questions, troubleshooting, and more.

Tips for launching your boat when using non-submersible tail lights?
How do I know if I need under 80 or over 80 lights?
What is the difference between a waterproof and submersible light?
I’m having trouble running the new trailer harness through my enclosed frame. Any tips for this installation?
Can I upgrade my trailer to LED lights?
How do I properly ground my lighting system?
What are the benefits of plug and play versus heat soldered connections?
What is the replacement bulb for my light?
What is the blue wire on the end of my wire harness for?
Why are my lights dim or flickering?
Why are my lights not working?
Why is my right turn signal not working?
Why is my left turn signal not working?